Recieving positive feedback from someone is always a good feeling. It's even better when it's in writing

Most developers do not seek credits or any form of validation for their work, tirelessly putting in a lot of effort to deliver great projects for users, clients and other devs. We know not all heroes wear capes, but every now and then, a show of appreciation for the tireless contribution they make can greatly increase their opportunities This is our mission with Spekni. —Providing a platform where developers can be endorsed and given recommendations by clients, teachers, maintaniers, and even students to preach about their good works

What People are saying

Victor Eke

Spekni is an amazing service for getting developers noticed for their contributions and assistance in the developer world.

Spiff Jekey Green

Practically a well thought off and excelent project. It's a big suprise nobody has thought about building something like this before.

Nicholas Ovunda

Quite amazed by the creativity the team's creativity. It's a big suprise nobody has thought about building something like this before.

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